Fresh made marshmallows... Freshly cut chocolate blocks made with a blend of four types of chocolate and plenty of heavy cream...
Looks pretty decadent, huh?
Would you be surprised to know that the same guy who railed against that woman in California who is suing McDonald's for "interfering" (feel free to use air quotes if reading aloud) with her relationship with her children yesterday made that pile of goodness in the picture above, marshmallows and all?
I'm at the tail end of a team competition at the box where I train CrossFit. Part of the competition requires each team member to log all of the food we eat -- every bite, and every sip -- from the weekend before Thanksgiving through the weekend before Christmas. The other part of the competition requires us to log our workouts during that period. Workout/nutrition journals are graded at the end of each week.
I really enjoy the sense of community that develops during this challenge, and I also really enjoy seeing so many of my friends move closer towards their fitness goals during the time of year where most fall further out of shape. Nice work people. Maybe it is something we should do all year?
I don't know.... Right now, I don't care much about what the scales say or about the awards that will be given out tomorrow. I just know that when the race is over, there will be a green plastic spoon with one large dose of some pretty Gucci-ass Hot Chocolate attached to the end of it for me and each of my teammates.
The Recipe:
A friend from high school pointed me to this blog and I ran with it. The cooking part was pretty easy (I made a few modifications to get the chocolate where I wanted it to go) but the presentation was a pain in the ass. Coat the marshmallows in the powdered sugar mix so they don't stick together and screw the cellophane wrap/ribbon crap.
As for the final product, I'm pretty close to a Hot Chocolate connoisseur, and after a taste-test, they said this was the best they've ever had, so run a few miles, do 100 burpees for time, squat 225 lbs. 30 times and this cup is on me, friend...
Yesterday's WOD
Mobility WOD: K-Star's hip flexibility WOD (about 15 minutes, total).
Skill WOD: Pistols! (about 50 per leg, with lots of recovery time - I absolutely suck at pistols)
Med-Con: 2 mile run for time.
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