Friday, December 31, 2010

3, 2, "1.1.11"

Maintain balance... Move things forward...

And, we're off...

Scanning friends' posts on Facebook tonight, I see lots of resolutions, reflections and steps toward what "we" believe we can become.

As for me, my life is increasingly dedicated to simplicity, and with that dedication, my vision of what I believe I will become has increasingly sharpened.

If I have any resolution for 2011, it is to maintain my path, along these simple principles for living a full, functional life:

  • Respect your family above all else.
  • Value yourself greatly in all things.
  • Actively prepare yourself for change.
    • Constantly push your mind; continue your education.
    • Eat well and exercise; work to maintain your body's abilities. 
  • Do what you love to do, honestly.

Enjoy the New Year.  I wish you well, and peace.

The WOD blog:

I took a week off from blogging, but continued to CrossFit, doing several of the WODs from, as well as several from, and a couple that I designed.

Oh, and I also accepted an invitation to coach a second CrossFit class at CrossFit Cedar Park!  I am very excited and honored to be chosen to help people on their path to their best fitness.  The friends I have made and coaching I have received there has certainly helped me.  Starting January 10th, I'll have M-W-F at  5:15 a.m. at 609 Whitestone in Cedar Park and then I'll boogie to the other location for my 6:30 a.m. class.

Here is a WOD The Rabbit and I did this morning:

2 rounds: 

Row 750m, then
12 Power Cleans (185 lbs.) 

It took me 8:47, not impressive.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

She breathes deeply.  Life is simple and clear.
A surge of love, an urge to help mankind comes over her.

"Here, let me help you. Step down. Here we go.

The drum major's widow, she's worn his coat since the day he died.

The horse's head has lost an ear.

That's the florist laughing.
He has crinkly eyes.

In the bakery window, lollipops.

Smell that! They're giving out melon slices.

Sugarplum ice cream.

We're passing the park butcher.
Ham, 79 francs. Spareribs, 45!

Now the cheese shop.
Picadors are 12.90.
Cabecaus 23.50.

A baby's watching a dog that is watching the chickens.

Now we're at the kiosk by the Metro.

I'll leave you here. Bye!"

In the course of a brisk walk that took less than a minute's time, the young woman gave an old man years of insight into the world around him.  Those moments of inspiration do not just live on the big screen, and for most of us, do not need to be given to us by someone else.  Those moments are available to us daily.

A habitual course of procedure isn't living. 

Grow.  Explore.  Create. 

Play new sports. 

Live beyond of the book.


Yesterday's WOD:

Run 5k:  25:36

Today's photo and italicized text are from the French film, "Amelie" starring Audrey Tautou.  It is a wonderful and quirky romance comedy about a rather innocent young woman living in Paris with her own sense of justice who (of course) finds love.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I built a smokehouse ealier in the spring and have been tweaking it, one brisket at a time, to get it smoking right. Tonight, I'm working on a brisket for my good friend David's birthday (tomorrow).

The good news is that brisket is in line with the paleo diet, so I can smoke these suckers as often as I please...

Paleo: Lots of meats and vegetables, some fruits and nuts, a rare starch, no processed sugars, no grains. I also take a fish oil supplement, cook with good oils (coconut) and take a vitamin D supplement. It's pretty easy, really.

I'll admit that getting over the hump of breaking free of grains takes a little while, but it gets easier over time -- and the reality is you know you want the meat anyway...

PS - If you work at CrossFit Cedar Park, be especially nice to David.  I'll be dropping off the brisket at 11:30ish, and since it is his birthday, he'll be doing the cutting...


Yesterday's WOD:  The 12 Days of CrossFit
I'm not going to disclose the movements today because I designed and tested it yesterday to share with my Friday morning crew at 6:30 a.m. (you know, the whole "unknown and unknowable" thing).

It took me 18:40 -- great "chipper" WOD in the spirit of the season.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mid-December: Hot (and) NUTS!

Just a few days before Christmas -- the first day of winter -- and we're going to hit 80+ degrees here in Austin, Texas. I might be in the minority, but I love it. I raked the yard barefooted this morning and we had the doors open at CrossFit Cedar Park like it was late April or something.

I have a couple of new guys in my 6:30 a.m. class who are real asskickers. Always fun to work with people who want to put in the work.

Okay, short note today. The weather is too nice not be outside playing.... or moving heavy things over long distances, quickly.  3-2-1...!!!


Yesterday's WOD: "Nutts"
Respects to the family of Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, deceased.

For time:
10 Handstand push-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10'
200 Double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate

22:24 -- me
17:34 -- The Rabbit (he was 6 seconds off the fastest reported time on this WOD)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Time In New Orleans!

Man, if that don't put ya in the spirit, ain't nothin' gonna help.

I'm heading home in a few weeks for a little "guy's trip" -- couple of pops, some good food and some football. Can't wait...

It is just a two night stay, and I'm wondering if I should hit CrossFit New Orleans when I'm there. I love visiting different boxes when I'm on the road. There are a lot of friendships made while the sweat angels dry...

Yesterday's WOD


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Out With It!

Christmas is almost here...Whew!

We've spent the last month preparing to add lots of new things to our place, and have spent massive amounts of time getting rid of some really old garbage that had stayed in our storage shed far, far too long.

I really enjoy coming home after hauling all of the old stuff to the curb and seeing that the garbage men have scattered our trash cans from the street to the middle of our yard. Something liberating about cleaning (cleansing?) out what I don't really need...ya know?
Yesterday's WOD:

Holly Jolly Finals
Ugh. I failed on the egg carry, so we lost....


  • 50m egg carry x 4 while the non-carrying teammates did push ups
    • 5 minute time limit
    • Score = Team total number of push-ups
  • 2k row (divided among team) while non-rowing teammembers did burpees
    • 9 minute time limit
    • Score = Team total number of burpees
  • 1mile run (divided among team) while non-running teammembers did air squats
    • 10 minute time limit
    • Score = Team total number of squats

Saturday, December 18, 2010


"She drank from a cup that said "DRINK ME"
And she grew up so tall.
She ate from a plate that said "EAT ME"
And she shrank down so small.
So Alice changed, while other folks
Never tried nothing at all."

--- source:  Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends

I realize I'm not really profound. Or epic. Or rad. I don't really say much that hasn't been said before.

But I'm on a path. And sometimes, my path turns and I have to be prepared for what will be profound change. I'm at one of those points right now.

Today's picture is of a piece of the Berlin Wall that now stands in front of the London War Museum. I posed for a photo standing right next to that concrete block almost 20 years ago after I finished college and was preparing to head off to law school.

Today, I stand in front of that concrete block again, with another huge educational and career change on the immediate horizon. I look forward to the challenges, the experiences and the full sensation of being really alive that comes through growth, and change.

Just another step forward in this fully functional life...


Yesterday's WOD

OLY LIFTING (!!!) at 5:30 a.m.

Snatch: 6 sets x 3 reps
3 Position Cleans: 6 sets x 3 reps
Back Squats: 4 sets x 5 reps

2 mile run at 3:00 p.m.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Holly Jolly Challenge

Fresh made marshmallows... Freshly cut chocolate blocks made with a blend of four types of chocolate and plenty of heavy cream...

Looks pretty decadent, huh?

Would you be surprised to know that the same guy who railed against that woman in California who is suing McDonald's for "interfering" (feel free to use air quotes if reading aloud) with her relationship with her children yesterday made that pile of goodness in the picture above, marshmallows and all?

I'm at the tail end of a team competition at the box where I train CrossFit. Part of the competition requires each team member to log all of the food we eat -- every bite, and every sip -- from the weekend before Thanksgiving through the weekend before Christmas. The other part of the competition requires us to log our workouts during that period.  Workout/nutrition journals are graded at the end of each week.

I really enjoy the sense of community that develops during this challenge, and I also really enjoy seeing so many of my friends move closer towards their fitness goals during the time of year where most fall further out of shape. Nice work people.  Maybe it is something we should do all year?

I don't know.... Right now, I don't care much about what the scales say or about the awards that will be given out tomorrow.  I just know that when the race is over, there will be a green plastic spoon with one large dose of some pretty Gucci-ass Hot Chocolate attached to the end of it for me and each of my teammates.

The Recipe:

A friend from high school pointed me to this blog and I ran with it.  The cooking part was pretty easy (I made a few modifications to get the chocolate where I wanted it to go) but the presentation was a pain in the ass.  Coat the marshmallows in the powdered sugar mix so they don't stick together and screw the cellophane wrap/ribbon crap.

As for the final product, I'm pretty close to a Hot Chocolate connoisseur, and after a taste-test, they said this was the best they've ever had, so run a few miles, do 100 burpees for time, squat 225 lbs. 30 times and this cup is on me, friend...


Yesterday's WOD

Mobility WOD: K-Star's hip flexibility WOD (about 15 minutes, total).
Skill WOD: Pistols! (about 50 per leg, with lots of recovery time - I absolutely suck at pistols)
Med-Con: 2 mile run for time.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

When McDonald's Reaches the Serengeti

This afternoon I read a story about a woman in California who has filed a class action lawsuit against McDonald's for "interfering" with her relationship with her children. She (through some jackass lawyers, of course) claims McDonald's is "making" her children want unhealthy meals.

That's right -- McDonald's is "making her children..."

This woman should have her children taken from her for being a grossly unfit parent.

And, once the children are safe, the people of California might look into suing her -- and her attorneys -- for wasting their tax money and for "general jackassery."

Let's be clear: We WILL all die. In some respects, the speed at which that fact results can be affected (or effected) by the way we live our life.

I love people who accept responsibility for their actions.  I love people who pursue a...

Fully  :  Functional  :  Life  :

(Absurd lawsuits like this certainly bolster my confidence about leaving the practice of law.)
Yesterday's WOD
  • 4 Rouds for time
    • 6 HSPU (Handstand push ups)
    • 12 Clean and Jerk (135 lbs.)
    • 400m run
  • Time:  16:39 (loved this WOD -- very pleased with the time)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Divenire -- It means, "Become."

We push, we turn, we float and drift (sometimes completely at the command of the current) down the river of life, making connections, and hoping we find safe ports along the way. Hoping to "become"; rarely taking the time to realize if we actually have.

I seek solace in the winter. Words like "stark" and "crisp" describe places I want to be, both physically and mentally. I "become" a great hibernating bear, spending more time alone, and with music like that of Einaudi (the guy you are listening to), consuming more of what this season offers and respecting my mind and body through the cycle of life, in full balance.

Especially through this incredibly hectic Christmas season, I think it is important we take 30 minutes a day for ourselves: 15 minutes for intense, physical exercise, and 15 for quiet retreat in a safe place where you won't be interrupted. It isn't a selfish 30 minutes -- it is 30 minutes that helps us become better for those we want to be better for -- including ourselves.

Yesterday's WOD
"Chasing the Rabbit"

For time:
40 double unders / 40 dead lifts (185 lbs.)
30 double unders / 30 dead lifts (185 lbs.)
20 double unders / 20 dead lifts (185 lbs.)
10 double unders / 10 dead lifts (185 lbs.)



About the Artist

Ludovico Einaudi (born 23 November 1955 in Turin, Italy) is an Italian contemporary classical music composer and pianist. His ambient, meditative and often introspective music draws on minimalism, world music, and contemporary pop.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chasing the Rabbit...

I think I mentioned in my post yesterday that earlier this year, I lost 40 pounds doing CrossFit and following the Paleo diet.  My story is sort of similar to many so I won't bore you with the details, but it goes like this:  "I was a fat boy who got inspired and got after it"...and it worked.  One of the main reasons it worked is because I'm surrounded by some incredibly smart and capable athletes who support and challenge one another to be the best they can be --- In a sense, their strength is mine, and visa versa.

I refer to one of the guys I have grown closer to on this journey as "The Rabbit".  The guy can go all damn day, and I always look for his scores first when I finish a workout because I know that he pushes hard all the way through.  He's younger and faster than I am, but I'm probably stronger than he is, and on balance, we are often competitive (I say "often" because many times, I'm definitely a 39 year old in a 25 year old's world).

Today, The Rabbit nearly broke my spirit.  We did a WOD at separate locations and I thought I had a pretty good time (right at 8 minutes) until I heard his time (5:34).  This was a workout I felt should have been competitive, and it wasn't --- or so I thought.  It turned out we followed different weight requirements for the workout (mine was a good bit heavier), so I was relieved...

My nearly busted pride gets to ride another rodeo, so you'd better boogie on, Mr. Rabbit -- the old dog is still in the hunt...


Yesterday's WOD
  • Team WODs (Holly Jolly Challenge 2010 -- CrossFit Cedar Park )
    • 6 rounds:
      • 10 push ups
      • 10 sit ups
      • 10 squats
    • Suicides
      • 4 tennis courts, full length, consecutive
    • Bleacher / HS-Holds
      • 20 rounds
        • 6 bleacher jumps up (2 steps per jump up)
        • 12 bleacher steps down (1 step at a time down)
      • 6 minutes total
        • 30 seconds Hand-Stand Hold
        • 30 seconds rest

Monday, December 13, 2010

You Start With a Roux...

My friends here in Texas often ask me how to make a good gumbo, and like any Cajun, I give the textbook response:  "You start with a roux."

A roux is really just flour and oil, whisked together (for ever, and ever, and ever) until you get the color and consistency you desire.  The art of making a roux is a "legacy" art that your parents or grandparents (or friends' parents) pass along to the next generation.  Making a roux is work -- you have to be attentive, but there is something rhythmic and soothing about doing that work when you think about the flavors that will marry in that roux and your stock, and the "big pot of love" you'll bring to the table for you and your family to share.

Something fell through today that I expected to come through.  It's okay.  Imma be here a while -- and my roux ain't even started to get dark yet...

Spend time in the kitchen with your kids and your family.  Teach your children to cook.  They'll thank you for it forever...

Yesterday's WOD


Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Finest of Fios....

I am fortunate enough to know a family of five "Fios" and they are wonderful people.  Two or three years ago they were travelling from Florida back to Texas, and while in Louisiana, one of those Fios sent me a text and asked where to get a good po-boy.

Being from Lafayette, I was quick to point them to Olde Tyme Grocery for a "shramp" po-boy.  Now, some folks back home think Olde Tyme is a little too salty, but as a true Cajun would say, "mais, they crazy."

An Olde Tyme po-boy is a taste of "home" and that is good enough for me.  I miss their "too salty shrimp" piled on lettuce, tomato and mayo, slapped together by a bunch of college kids on (a crispy-on-the-outside / cotton-candy-inside) po-boy bread from Langlinais.  And I miss that little bag of Zapp's and that cold bottle of Barq's rootbeer to wash it down.  Olde Tyme Grocery...that wrapping paper reminds me what it felt like when I was almost one of those college kids twenty years ago -- but I turned the job down because they wanted me to work on Saturday nights and I wanted to boogie with the Bluerunners at Grant Street... 

Anyway, twenty minutes after I sent my text, I got a response from the Fios that just said, "Want one?"  Hell yes I wanted one!

Fast forward three years and one of those Fios was making the trip again yesterday, and again I got a text offering to pick me up a po-boy.  Even after 6 hours in the car, it was "delishush" (and worthy of burning an unplanned "cheat meal"**) -- Thank you again Matt!

**A "cheat meal" is a meal that isn't on my "usual" diet plan.  I believe the science behind the paleo diet*** to be most favorable to good health, so I'm pretty strict about it -- but I'm also from South Louisiana and not fool enough to think I'm going to stay away from things like fried shrimp po-boys or red beans and rice for the rest of my life.  Life is meant to be lived to the fullest.

***The "paleo diet" is often referred to as a "caveman" diet, and is essentially (a)  lots of meat and vegetables; (b) some fruits and nuts; (c)  a rare starch; and (d)  no processed foods (i.e. - sugars and grains).  I also cook with good oils (coconut) and take a fish oil supplement.  Paleo is a lifetime/lifestyle diet, and between CrossFit and "eating clean", I lost 40 pounds in 4 months.  It works.


Yesterday's WOD 
  • 50 Handstand Push Ups ("HSPU") for time
    • Handstand push ups are a relatively new skill for me, so I'm training these specifically
  • 2 hours of landscaping at a local school
    • Despite my friend Nikki's insistance that I was just doing "community service", I pushed myself and made a WOD out of it.
      • 25 yards of mulch / 8 people.
      • I shovelled 100-200 lbs. of mulch onto a tarp every 4-7 minutes, slung it over my shoulder/back (just like Santa) and carried it to where it was being spread by some other parents (40-200m round trip).
        • My fitness is functional.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"The Best At Exercising"

So...that clip makes me laugh.

It especially makes me laugh because I do/coach CrossFit at CrossFit Cedar Park (Texas).  And being a CrossFitter pretty much means that no matter how much I might remind my friend Kip of Kenny Powers (thanks, a**hole) I actually do want to be the best "at exercising".

One of the things I love about CrossFit is that it is varied, meaning you can't train just one thing because you never really know what is next. CrossFit actually even encourages people to reach outside of the paramenters of "CrossFit" and try new sports.  Yesterday, I tried Bikram Yoga for the first time.  105 degrees of bliss....until we got started.  Seriously.  That stuff is hard.  I can't wait to do it again soon... "Yoga only" doesn't fulfill my definition of "fitness", but it absolutely has a place in my overall vision of what I want for my fitness, and my health.

Anyway, oh yeah, my friends Mike, Carson and Liz are competing in the All Cities Open in Dallas this weekend with many of the region's premier CrossFitters.  Kick butt you guys -- I think y'all just might be the best exercisers I know. Other than me, of course.


Yesterday's WOD:

3 sets of 10 -- bodyweight backsquat (245#)
Tabata** push ups
90 minutes of Bikram yoga

**"Tabata" is crossfit lingo for As Many Reps As Possible ("AMRAP") in 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest (total of 4 minutes).

Friday, December 10, 2010

It's that time of year, isn't it?  Everywhere, people, signs, songs, symbols and stores (however unfortunate) are encouraging us to "believe".  But, "believe" in what, exactly?

"Believe in me..."
"Help me believe in anything..."
"Cuz I want to be someone who believes, yeah...."

--- A. Duritz (Counting Crows)

Yesterday, in my first blog post, I was being a bit sly when I said I had the desire and opportunity to make a difference in one person's life and that I would not fail them.  That "one person" I was talking about?  It was me.  I have to start with me.  You have to start with you.

Each of us is bigger than we realize.  We can't even begin to fathom our own strength (or our "power" for that matter, but we'll save that discussion for another day (smile, CrossFitters!)).

So, some 20 years later, I still like your song, Mr. Duritz, but piss off.  I will not believe in just "anything" -- I believe in "something"...

I believe in "me".

Yesterday's WOD:
  • 21-18-15-12-9 reps of:
    • Power snatch (115#)
    • Wall-balls (20#)
    • Knees-to-elbows
  • Time:  16:22 - Rx
(for those not familiar with CrossFit, "WOD" = "Workout of the Day", and "Rx" means "as prescribed" by the person who wrote the workout)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I am a mix of Cajun mud and "Olde World" blood. 

I am fast approaching 40, and have come to realize that the older I get and the simpler I live, the better I become.

I embrace the excitement of finding out what lies around the next bend on this journey down the river of life. 

I love carrying heavy weights over long distances, quickly.

I live with purpose.  I have an opportunity, and a desire, to make a difference in at least one person's life...I will not fail them.

I will never compromise my family.  Ever.

Educating and being an example are my top priorities.  If I can't live it, I can't expect others to.

Thanks for checking out my blog.  I don't expect you to agree with everything I say, and welcome alternative opinions.  I will evaluate what you think respectfully, and ask that you do the same with all of the information shared here.  I expect my blog to vary, and will include comments on things I find interesting, important or educational.  I hope you visit often.