Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where Do the Mermaids Stand?

This morning I attended a workshop for parents of Gifted, or "TAG" kids in our school district, and at the end of the first session about gifted kids with "overexcitabilities," the instructor played the video (above). If I wasn't in a room with a bunch of parents, I might have cried.

"Where do the mermaids stand? All those people in this world who are different, who are not like everyone else, who don't belong in pigeon holes and who are determined not to give that up?" (Robert Fulghum)

Tonight, the Mrs. and I saw, "The Italian Girl in Algiers", a Rossini opera produced by the Austin Lyric Opera (note: please support the arts in your community). On the way home, I showed her "the mermaid video" and we talked about the video, this morning's gifted-student seminar, tonight's opera, and (as awfully cliche as this sounds) how the journey to peace and realization isn't always easy -- and certainly not always popular. Proverbs 16:18 tells us that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall; on these principles I am reminded that I am blessed to have ability to do the things I love, and the support of the ones I love that allows me the freedom to pursue those things.

In my ongoing effort to determine where I "fit" as a teacher, this week I accepted sub positions at a couple of high schools, one middle school and a last minute half-day position as a substitute at an elementary school.

I showed up with about 45 minutes until lunch at the elementary school gig, and within that 45 minutes, the kids had gotten comfortable enough to ask me to stay and have lunch with them (apparently, elementary school teachers very rarely eat with their class). After lunch, we worked together on some math problems (fractions), read one story, two Shel Silverstein poems, took a short quiz and did about twenty minutes of independent reading/study before we broke for the end of the day. When the independent study time was over, four of the kids brought me "thank you" notes with pictures on them they had drawn and two kids asked me to come back and be their teacher every day.

What a great week...

...I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be counted among the mermaids again.


One of the suggestions offered this morning for helping gifted children with overexcitabilities was to get them involved in sports or exercise, and help them better understand a healthy diet. I've noticed that I am always most at peace when "health" is a priority in my life.

This week I did several fun WODs, and had some pretty good scores on a few, and some other scores where I didn't impress myself.

Last Saturday's WOD in the "competitor class" at CrossFit Cedar Park was brutal. Carson, Dave, Deric, Janice, H.B., Ro and I tackled a monster:

10: Front Squats, Push Press, Thrusters (115 lbs.)
2: Box Jumps, pull-ups, burpees
8: FS, PP, Thr
4: BJ, P-U, Burp
6: FS, PP, Thr
6: BJ, P-U, Burp
4: FS, PP, Thr
8: BJ, P-U, Burp
2: FS, PP, Thr
10: BJ, P-U, Burp

Deric scored about 10 min, Carson and Dave around 11, me at 14. Killer WOD.

Monday, I did the WOD from

3 rounds for time:

10 Deadlifts @ 275 lbs.
50 Double unders

Out of about 250 people from around the world who posted their score on, I came out 11th, with a time of 3:23.

After I finished that WOD, I strapped on a 25 lb. vest and ran a mile and a half.

Tuesday was some OLY lifting (never enough!)

Wednesday was a great Kettle Bell WOD:

4 rounds for time - 1.5 pood:

3 Turkish get ups (each arm)
3 Clean and jerk (each arm)
3 Snatch (each arm)

I think this one took me about 12 minutes -- I wasn't impressed with myself.

Thursday was a "HERO" WOD, honoring US Army Captain Jason Holbrook from Burnet, TX.

5 thrusters @ 115 lbs.
10 pull ups
100m sprint
Rest exactly 1 minute, repeat for a total of 10 rounds.
Record fastest and slowest times.

Fastest: 1:05
Slowest: 1:40
(not too bad for an "old fat guy" like me)

Friday I did another HERO WOD: "Randy"

75 Power Snatch at 75 lbs.
5:47 (again, not an impressive time for me, but sort of burnt from Wednesday and Thursday's shoulder and leg work)

As always, we encourage you to get off your duff and join us at CrossFit Cedar Park. We do things that benefit everyone ~ even folks like me who are prone to "overexcitabilities"...

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