How to Make a Rainbow
I reckon I always wind up a little too weird for the normal people and a little too normal for the weird. But it is all perspective and perception, right?
At the beginning of the year, David asked all the coaches at CrossFit Cedar Park to start blogging, and I thought it would be a great idea. A bonus was the fun I've had watching some of my fellow CrossFitters and coaches also jump right in -- it has shown me just how differently we all look at things, and what makes us all tick, and how little our differences matter when you get to the important stuff.
I've enjoyed following everyone's blogs for different reasons: Nikki (because she's just an ass-kicker of a woman), Carson (because he does 17 wods and then blogs 14 pages a day...with enthusiasm), Fio (even though I have no idea what the hell he's talking about most of the time (neither does he, I might add)), Liz (I don't know many people as ate up with food as she is -- and plus, she's a hell of a lot easier on the eyes than Carson and Fio, right?), and everyone else who, like me, needs to update a little more often...
Anyway, getting a peek into my friends élan vital makes me feel a little more comfortable about this journey. If you read each of our blogs, other than the fact that we all dig CrossFit, you might not gather we'd ever know one another, much less be back-slapping friends... But, we do, and we are.
Enjoy the rainbow. Turns out, you don't always have to wait on the rain to see one...
This weather has been absolutely crappy and I've had a ton of work to do for school lately (oh, I did pass my teacher certification test ~ Yay me!), so I only did four WODs last week -- and they were the easy ones:
1) 1 mile time trial: first time in about 3 years I've run a sub-seven mile.
2) Double-tabata row (40 seconds on / 20 seconds rest: 8 rounds) and measure calories. I had a 17 calorie total difference over the course of the row, so I had some pull-ups to do. Sucks for me.
3) 8-8-6-6-5 Clean and Jerks (80%)
4) 50 Doubles / 10 burpees; 40 doubles / 10 Burpees, 30/10, 20/10 -- 3:56. Deric is the only person who beat me on this one. Approaching 40 years old and weighing in at about 240, I'll take it...
Like I said, the "D" is for "Deceptive"...brah.
3-2-1, GO!
a nickel ain't worth a dime anymore, but this post is worth ten pennies