Monday, August 8, 2011

The path diverges...

We all find ourselves in places like the picture where the path separates.  What do we do?  Which way will we go?  What is the better path?  How did we get to this spot in the first place?

This week, I start an amazing new journey, and separate somewhat from another.  I'll talk about the new journey more in a later post, but want to talk a little bit about what I'm leaving behind first:  "My" 6:30 a.m. CrossFit class at CrossFit Cedar Park.


Last summer, after seeing my results with CrossFit, a friend decided to give it a try, but there wasn't a class at the time he needed to attend, so he asked if I could fill the slot and coach the class.  Why not, right?  I mean, I know what I'm doing, right?

Well, maybe I didn't.  Let's back up a little...

Even though I have the title of "the first" CrossFitter at CrossFit Cedar Park, I wasn't always the most dedicated, and honestly, looking back at it, I wasn't even really very good at most of it.  I heard what David was saying, but I was strong and I didn't take things like stretching, executing the foundations, or the diet (!!!) very seriously. 

Eventually, I started getting whipped regularly by people like Fio and Carson. I got frustrated, cut some corners one day, suffered a little injury and had to take some time off and evaluate my commitment -- was I going to finally dig in and improve my functional ability and fitness, or would I be stubborn and wind up with bad knees from doing bad squats at a 3-sets-of-ten globo-gym?

Pride swallowed and hat in hand, I got some help from the other coaches at CFCP and went on a bit of a tear.  I adopted a rough paleo-zone diet, added some independent programming to the WODs I was doing in class and got on the right path.  Within a couple of months, I lost over 40 lbs. and my fitness was pretty solid -- especially for a guy approaching 40 years old.  I wound up putting my money where my mouth was and getting my Level-1 Coaching Cert. without any real expectation that I would actually coach.

Thankfully, the powers that be had enough faith to give me a shot.  And, the past 9 or 10 months have been unbelievably rewarding...

I've been witness to people taking charge of their health -- and taking as much work as I could throw at them through differentiated and/or scaffolded programming.  From the smile on someone's face after losing 50 lbs. over the past seven months, to someone else's smile for shaving a minute off of a 4:30 Fran (today), and someone else getting their first handstand (also today), these people are achieving their own goals and living a better life because of their commitment to themselves..... Overall, they are more functional, more fit, more flexible, stronger, leaner and they continue to push and pull each other past the ever-extending finish line again and again.  And, on top of that, their foundations are solid, so they have a platform to continue to advance.

So, thanks to those of you in my classes for digging in, remaining so positive, and letting me be a part of this journey with you -- I'm really happy for your successes, and grateful for what you've taught me about myself in the process. 

For those in my 5:15, sorry, but you can't get rid of me -- I'm going to continue coaching that class.  And, for those at 6:30 a.m., pack your lunch and hold on tight -- after seeing his Saturday morning programming, you're in for a great ride with Carson!


1 comment:

  1. Dude, I have not been in your classes for a while for scheduling reasons but the classes I did have with you rocked and you help set my foundation. Now I am addicted to CrossFit and taking this journey very seriously. I am nowhere near my goals but 2 1/2 months in, I look better and more importantly feel beter. Hoping whatever the next thing you are doing, that you kick it's ass! Ooh Rah! Nate
